Funfetti® Brownie Popsicles
1 box Pillsbury™ Milk Chocolate Flavored Brownie Mix
Additional ingredients per packaging instructions
1 tub Pillsbury™ Confetti Funfetti® Vanilla Flavored Frosting
White Candy Melts
Food Coloring (optional)
Step 1
Set oven to 350°F for metal or glass pan. For dark coated pan, set oven to 325°F. Coat bottom of pan with non-stick cooking spray.
Step 2
Prepare brownie mix according to package instructions using oil, water, and eggs.
Step 3
Pour batter into 9x13 inch baking pan and spread evenly. Place pan in oven and bake for 28-31 minutes per box instructions.
Step 4
Once brownies have cooled, cut into 12 equal bars. Gently push popsicle sticks into one end of the brownie, being careful not to push through the top surface. Freeze 20-30 minutes.
Step 1
Melt candy melts with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil on low power until the candy is just melted. Candy should not get too hot.
Step 2
Dip a brownie into the candy melt, leaving about 1/2 inch at the bottom of the brownie uncovered. Immediately decorate with sprinkles from frosting lid if desired. Repeat to remaining brownies. If candy melts thicken, briefly reheat and stir until smooth.
Step 3
Freeze for 10-15 minutes. Serve cake pops at room temperature.
Serving Size (1 brownie), Calories 440 (Calories from Fat 0), Total Fat 20g (Saturated Fat 5g, Trans Fat 0g), Cholesterol 30mg, Sodium 200mg, Total Carbohydrate 63g (Dietary Fiber 0g, Sugars 49g, Includes 48g Added Sugars), Protein 2g, Potassium 147mg, thiamine 0mg, Riboflavin 0mg, niacin 0mg, Folate 0mg, Vitamin B6 0mg, Vitamin B12 0mcg, Vitamin A 0mg, Vitamin C 0mg, Vitamin D 0mg, Calcium 0mg, Iron 1mg.
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
* Ensure all recipe ingredients are gluten free by referencing the ingredient labels, as products may vary. If uncertain, contact the ingredient manufacturer.